
How SMS Export works

SMS Export is an application for Windows and Mac you can use to copy the text messages (SMS) from your iPhone directly to your PC. The software is able to ...

How to export iPhone text messages to a PDF.

Yes, you can export a whole iMessage conversation to a PDF file. Simply open up the conversation, select File, then Print. You can then select Export to PDF to ...

How to Export Text Messages From iPhone

2021年11月12日 — How Do I Export an Entire iMessage Conversation? · Open a text message thread and long-press on the message you want to save. · If you only want ...

iPhone SMS Export

How to buy? Download our program for. Windows or Macintosh. Buy the SMS Export app with your phone. Import your SMS / texts. Make an unencrypted

SMS Export on the App Store

Compatible with iOS 17! Purchase this app with your iPhone and download the free desktop app from www.smsexport.com. Make a backup with iTunes (Win) or the ...

Transfer iPhone messages (SMS), MMS, and iMessages to ...

2021年2月8日 — Transfer iPhone messages (SMS), MMS, and iMessages to your computer · Launch iMazing and connect your device to your Mac or PC · Select your ...

在App Store 上的「SMS Export」

閱讀評論、比較客戶評分、查看截圖,並進一步瞭解「SMS Export」。下載「SMS Export」並在iPhone、iPad 和iPod touch 上盡享豐富功能。

如何從iPhone 匯出簡訊的四種方法

2023年5月23日 — 步驟5. 單擊“應用”開始將您的iPhone 內容和設定導出到電腦,包括:簡訊(SMS)、訊息和彩信(MMS)。 (確保您已關閉iCloud 信息。) 如何使用iTunes 將 ...


SMSExportisanapplicationforWindowsandMacyoucanusetocopythetextmessages(SMS)fromyouriPhonedirectlytoyourPC.Thesoftwareisableto ...,Yes,youcanexportawholeiMessageconversationtoaPDFfile.Simplyopenuptheconversation,selectFile,thenPrint.YoucanthenselectExporttoPDFto ...,2021年11月12日—HowDoIExportanEntireiMessageConversation?·Openatextmessagethreadandlong-pressonthemessageyouwanttosave.·Ifyouonlywa...